Thursday, February 3, 2011

Changing Things Up

I was going to post this yesterday, but forgot. Oops. See how happy she is! She's covered in chocolate cupcake with her Dora silly bands on her wrist (Thanks Maw-maw lol) and screaming 'Yay!". My silly girl.
Hiya! Remember when I mentioned that my blogging schedule isn't finalized? Well, it still isn't. I decided that I'm not going to do Thursday features after all. It's kind of a lot of work for me to do every week. I'm starting to feel that I'm not talking enough and not crafting enough, so I'm going to use Thursdays to focus on that for awhile. That being said, if you'd like to be featured over here at Sew Very Happy, I'd love to feature you! Just shoot me an e-mail and we can figure it out.

This door sits above a couple steps. A few feet off the ground. I love the door's snowprint.

Let me tell you about the 'blizzard'. It pretty much missed us. We got tons and tons of icy slushy sleety crud, but only a couple of inches of snow. That's awesome for us, right? Just a few hours west of us, Jess and her family got dumped on. They got around 24 inches of snow and had 10 foot deep snowdrifts. Seriously, this is Missouri, not freaking Michigan. It's a very picture heavy post, but you can check out the pictures on her blog!

Alright, my friends. It's time for me to go. Thanks for stopping by!

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